воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

auto repair supply

This little tidbit of information never fails to amaze me.. =)

The expected birth date of my brother, my sister and I were actually all on the same date....in different years of course.

From three different doctors, my mum was told that:

Iapos;m expected to be born on 8th November 1987..

Brotherapos;s expected to be born on 8th November 1990..

And sisterapos;s supposed to be born on 8th November 1999..

And end up, none of us was born on that date� *frowns at the doctors*

Sister came out one week early, 1st November.

Brother came out one week late, 15th November.

And me, perhaps impatient with waiting, came out two weeks earlier, on 23rd October.

I donapos;t mind really, itapos;s a good date nonetheless.

But how cool would it be if we all came out naturally on the same date�=D

And according to dad and mum just now, 8th November is quite an auspicious date.

118, read in cantonese apparently sounds like apos;strike it rich dailyapos;..

So dad said itapos;s cuz my sis and i were so impatient, and my bro was so reluctant to come out, that we donapos;t get to strike it rich.. XD�


End of random moment.. I just thought that was really kinda cool thatapos;s all.. =D

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