воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

caring for aging loved ones

Because i have 2 amazing sisters who always give into me, i got a present.
Not a big expensive one, but one that will be put into good use.

At Boarders paperchase today, i found a CD holder/folder and decided to be shameless.
"I think you should buy me this as my car-warming present"
So i got my car-warming present.

When i got back to grams and showed my present off,
my mother insisted shamelessly, that she should have a car-warming present too.
I am my motherapos;s daughter.

And because i am determined to put this holder/folder into good use, i am burning CDs after CDs.
(Buying an FM transmitter for my Ipod would cost about 16 times more than my folder.)
Any future passengers are welcome to burn CDs for me as well.
i now have, RB duets, Top 20 pop love songs and Micheal Jackson.
(Do not condemn me for my choices, those are good sing-a-longs.)

In the words of Bong, any CDs with unacceptable music would be broken and thrown at any vehicle that comes my way.

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This little tidbit of information never fails to amaze me.. =)

The expected birth date of my brother, my sister and I were actually all on the same date....in different years of course.

From three different doctors, my mum was told that:

Iapos;m expected to be born on 8th November 1987..

Brotherapos;s expected to be born on 8th November 1990..

And sisterapos;s supposed to be born on 8th November 1999..

And end up, none of us was born on that date� *frowns at the doctors*

Sister came out one week early, 1st November.

Brother came out one week late, 15th November.

And me, perhaps impatient with waiting, came out two weeks earlier, on 23rd October.

I donapos;t mind really, itapos;s a good date nonetheless.

But how cool would it be if we all came out naturally on the same date�=D

And according to dad and mum just now, 8th November is quite an auspicious date.

118, read in cantonese apparently sounds like apos;strike it rich dailyapos;..

So dad said itapos;s cuz my sis and i were so impatient, and my bro was so reluctant to come out, that we donapos;t get to strike it rich.. XD�


End of random moment.. I just thought that was really kinda cool thatapos;s all.. =D

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

favorite quotes from movies

What's it all about, Alfie?
Is it just for the moment we live?
What's it all about when you sort it out, Alfie?
Are we meant to take more than we give
Or are we meant to be kind?
And if only fools are kind, Alfie,
Then I guess it's wise to be cruel.
And if life belongs only to the strong, Alfie,
What will you lend on an old golden rule?
As sure as I believe there's a heaven above, Alfie,
I know there's something much more,
Something even non-believers can believe in.
I believe in love, Alfie.
Without true love we just exist, Alfie.
Until you find the love you've missed you're nothing, Alfie.
When you walk let your heart lead the way
And you'll find love any day, Alfie, Alfie
(Art Buchwald, 1925-2007)

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Credo che sia i mio giorno preferito.
Ecco magari non sabato mattina alle 7, ma � da circa un ora che sono sveglia, sul divano con la copertina e il micio che mi passeggia sopra e intorno.
Gi� mi piacerebbe stare nella mia cameretta, ma al momento � completamente vuota.
*_* oggi finalmente i muri bianchi (grigi) e anonimi diventeranno di uno splendido lilla. O rosa non ho ancora deciso XD.
E dal momento che non so ancora quando arriver� la cameretta nuova rester� lilla e vuota per un poapos;,
*_* la mia cameretta nuova, non vedo lapos;ora, � stato ammmore a prima vista.
E poi avr� il lettoneeee
Dovr� anche impossessarmi di lenzuolini e coperte nuove aim� -_-
na *__* si rinnova tuttooo.
Ecco lapos;unico problema � dove mettere tutti i miei fumetti e ciarpame vario.
Ho cercaato davvero di eliminare qualche inutilit� ma >_< le cose rimaste le voglio
Mi servono
Ok, cazzata, ma le voglio comunque -_-
Avrei tanta voglia di un teino caldo con i biscottini.
Ma la sorellina settimana scorsa mi ha portato un illegalissimo regalo *_* non vedo lapos;ora di avere le mani gelate per schiacciare quella cimice *_*
Ah, a proposito di cimici, ma quegli schifosi insetti vedi puzzolenti e odiosi, a che cazzo servono?
Domenica scorsa sono andata a messa.
Si, credo sia per quello che in sti giorni ha fatto un caldo allucinante.
Cooomunque, � stata una cosa del tutto eccezionale solo perch� era in memoria della mia nonna e credo che le sarebbe dispiaciuto se non ci fossi andata.
Beh mentre il prete parlava di non so cosa la mia mente delirava come al solito e sono inciampata in questi pensieri.
Ma se dio, la madonna, gesucristo e compagnia bella avessero una casella di posta elettronica, quante mil ricverebbero al giorno?
Non vorrei essere in loro quando devono visionare e svuotare la cartella spam XD.
Ma oltre agli insulti riceverebbero anche loro le offerte di viagra e sistemi di allungamento del pene?
XDDDD non lo so perch� mi vengono queste idee malate.
Comunque leggere ed evadere tutte le richieste e preghiere devapos;essere snevante.
Beh dopo questa serie di cazzate direi che mi soffio per lapos;ennesima volta il naso gocciolante e taglio le unghie al gatto.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

connective tissue diseases

Normally, Sora would have liked the chance to get outside and bask in the fresh air, but seeing how he had gotten that chance yesterday, he figured he should consider his other options more carefully. It had been some time since he had gotten to take it easy in the Game Room, and since he still wasnapos;t one-hundred percent healed after that monster attack two nights ago, finding a comfortable place to sit sounded good to him.

Of course, the first thing he did upon being led there was dig up one of those Game Boys. Even though he knew that he could have been doing something more productive with his time, he figured he was allowed to relax every now and then. He had to make the best of this situation, after all, and so if there was an opportunity to have some fun, he was going to take it

Once he found one of the Game Boys, Sora headed for one of the couches, glancing around the empty room with a small sigh as he sat himself down. He hoped that some other people showed up soon Games were fun, but not if he was just sitting and playing one on his own like this.

[Free Come and get him.]

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So I got back from Hillaryapos;s farewell/birthday party. �Man can coffee crisps give you a stomach ache. �It was fun, many great moments.

Unfortunately, I missed the hockey game because I was at Monicaapos;s house. �What is up with the canucks winning when I am not home. �Hurray for my Mason Raymond. �HBK line is fucking amazing. �They were such a beast tonight.

Hurray, apparently my art teacher found my portfolio.. This is exciting news because hopefully I wonapos;t have to pay for a new one. �Iapos;m so freaking broke right now. �I so totally need to find a job.

I talk the talk a lot donapos;t I?

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Must be your skin, Iapos;m sinkinapos; in
must be for real, causeapos; now I can feel
and I didnapos;t mind, itapos;s not my kind,
not my time, to wonder why
everythingapos;s gone white, and everythings gray
now youapos;re here, now youapos;re away
I donapos;t want this, remember that
Iapos;ll never forget, where your at....

Donapos;t let the days go by...

Iapos;m never alone, Iapos;m alone all the time
are you at one, or do you lie
We live in a wheel, were everyone steals
but when we rise itapos;s like straberry feilds
I treated you bad, you bruised my face
Couldnapos;t love you more, you got a bueatiful taste....

Donapos;t let the days go by...
Could of been easier on you, I couldnapos;t change though I wanted to..
Should of been easier by three, our old friend fear and you and me


I needed you more
You wanted us less
Could Not Kiss
just regress
and it might just be..
clear and simple and plain..
thatapos;s just fine
Thatapos;s Just One Of My Names

Donapos;t Let The Days Go By
Could Of Been Easier On You

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